Friday, June 25, 2010

It's just me....

Used to blog a lot, but life and things got in the way (Ithink I let them), and little by little I shut down.

Lately though, I'm feeling stifled, confused at times, halted, as if the room I'm in is too cluttered and it's way past time to purge and reorganize. There's too much up there in my head that I need to get out, that I need to share. I like to write, and I'm not stingy with it, so I decided to sit down here, light the lamp, and get to it.

Maybe this will bring me out of the writing stall I've been wrestling with for way too long. I refuse to call my dilemma a "block". Blocks are hard, impenetrable, sometimes heavy. They're so much harder to deal with than an easing aside a pea soup curtain of funk.

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