Monday, October 10, 2011


For all intents and purposes, I detest Mondays. They're the wake for the now-deceased weekend that preceded it, Monday reminisces the eulogy And as it is after the death of a loved one, the new day dawns surreal; I get dressed for it wondering how life can go on so normally when one so vital and so important to my existence has left me behind.

But just as it is with a human passing, I keep going because life does. To be doing otherwise would mean I was somewhere I'd rather not be just yet. Right now there's just too much unseen, untried, and undone.

Aside from being Monday, it  wasn't a bad day, as days go. The kids had their first Unit test of the year, so each class period was quietly engaged. The grade books close this Friday, and report cards for the first nine weeks go out on the 21st. Needless to say, noses were to the grindstone.

In some cases, I had to hold back that whispered, "As if, sweetie. Way too late."

I have a dearth of papers to check before the weekend, so my nose will be buried pretty deep, too.But in the meantime, I'm home and putting that all aside for the moment.

Weekend company is gone. They left this morning, so my house is somewhat back to normal. I still have the two temporary tenants, but I've come to see them as fixtures rather than intrusions. They know the house rhythms and routines, and they have their place in the schema, so I'm not as distracted by their presence in my immediate universe. This little one (15 months) still tries to call her own shots, but even she is beginning to come on board. She's started demanding to feed herself; little does she know that's only the beginning. Now if we could just get this potty thing going.

Feeling pretty good right now. It's quiet, my housework is done, and she's playing by herself over in the corner of the office. Perhaps I can get a spot of writing done before the hubby gets home and/or baby girl notices I'm enjoying myself.

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